Books are a Business
Happy New Year to all!
With the new year comes new hopes and aspirations. My goals are to: finish the revision of my story about Annie (which I am working on with my mentor); submit the manuscript to an agent and/or publisher; work on two new stories which I have started. It seems overwhelming but doable.
I rejoined 12 x 12, an organization for picture book writers. Unfortunately, I was not picked in the lottery to upgrade to the gold level which gives one access to agents! Maybe next year with be my “golden year.”
The business side of publishing scares me. Only one percent of stories that are submitted are published. Each year the tastes of publishers shift. Last year nonfiction picture books (like my manuscript) were all the rage. I have heard that they have gone out of favor. A lesson in the fickleness of publishing.
My mantra is to follow my passion and not to worry about the business end. Is that realistic or practical? I don’t know, yet. I am just trudging on…